Wednesday, December 1, 2010

37 and Living Large? Nope, 37 and Living Small!!

This is me at the Texas Roadhouse for my 37th Birthday.  Yep, I'm on the saddle.  Symbolic, don't you think, since I feel like these days I'm "back in the saddle again!"?  My kids loved this experience of watching me sit in the saddle.  I loved sharing it with them.  I hope they can view me as a heatlhy, strong, life loving, family commited mom, ready to embrase all of life's challenges.  And, as far as my eating goes, going to the Texas Roadhouse was a perfect fit, as I was easily able to eat a no sugar/no starch meal and not feel deprived -- AT ALL!

37!!!!!   Does this put me in my "late 30's" or am I still in my "middle 30s"? 

I'm excited about 37.  Mostly because I feel like I have a new lease on life.  I feel healthy and that I am thriving more than I've ever thrived before.  I think it's because I feel like I've got my focus, my groove, my mojo.    I am working towards a healthy and strong lifestyle -- one that keeps God first, family next, service to others (which I can accomplish during my work day and beyond), and lastly serving myself.    I've noticed, though, since I've gotten this perspective, that they all easily intermix.  When I feel like I am spiritually full, then it is easy to be patient with my family and spend focused time with them and not worry about the other things that need to be done.  It is easy to want to serve others and to look for ways to serve.  I'll admit, it isn't always easy fitting in all I want/need to. Being a full time working mom isn't easy.  I'm so thankful for a husband who does more than his share and is supportive of me in all my endeavors.    My cup truly overflowith.

Lastly, when it comes to "me" - I have found that being free from the temptation (for me the BONDAGE!) of food, the obsession of weight, and the dwelling thoughts that serve my selfish issues (how do I look?  How are others viewing me?  Do people like me??) frees up so much energy and time and provides additional time to focus on my top 3 priorities.   And believe it or not, since being free from this, I feel even more beautiful and attractive than I ever felt before when I was working so hard to be beautiful and attactive!  How did that happen?  Am I truly free from my bondage of food and my selfish thoughts?  That's easy to say right now as I am coming closer to a weight I am happy with (nope, not there yet).  Will I be able to maintain that mentality if I start to gain weight?  Will my weight directly impact my feelings of adequacy?  Will I be able to keep my perspective?  I hope so.  Time will tell.

So anyway, I have a lot of goals for 37.  And believe it or not, I'm already excited for 38!  And even more excited about 40!     I know it's going to be a good year.  It will be a challenging year.  I can see lots of roadblocks lingering.  For example, my mother is sick.  I will likely be taking my children and having long extended stays in Michigan to help her and spend time with her.  Keeping my priority list God first, family next, and then serving others, this is not intimidating or stressful task, but instead something I know is a part of this jouney.   Something I am, in some strange way, looking forward to.  Not my mother being sick, but for the opportunity to seek God out during the process, serve her and bond with her during this time,  watch my girls bond with her and watch God's hand in all of it as we go.

So this is what 37 looks like in the saddle again.  Hang on!  37 is going to be an eventful ride! 

Giddy up!

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